About Us
We are a re-pioneering team who moved to York in November 2020. We have a heart to see York transformed, reconciled and restored to God’s heart. We are also passionate about the arts, hospitality (York is the third most touristic city in the UK after London and Edinburgh!), generosity and community.
When we aren’t working in our local community of Leeman Road, we love spending time with artists and university students in the city centre, meeting with and supporting local churches, charities and ministries, and running workshops for different arts and sports. One of our favourite things to do is have people round for tea (Yorkshire speak for dinner) - our door is always open!
About YWAM York
YWAM York has been a presence in York for over 15 years. We maintain close relationships with the community, with local churches and ministries and with local businesses. Our building is called The Barnabas Centre, and it is the local community centre for our Leeman Road neighbourhood. From the Barnabas Centre, we run local outreaches and host workshops and events.
About York

York is frequently referred to as “the capital city of the north of England,” and with good reason! York has been an influential city in England for nearly two millennia - it was founded by the Romans in AD 78 and has been occupied by local tribes, the Romans and the Vikings in that time. It is home, most famously, to York Minster, the seat of the Archbishop of York. Walking around York can feel a bit like walking into history: the city is surrounded by Roman and medieval era walls, and many of the houses maintain their Tudor or medieval exteriors.
While smaller than many of the industrial cities of the north of England, York is filled with sites and attractions that make it the third most touristic city in the UK. Tourism is a major industry, and the people of York are known for their friendliness. While the Christian population is low, the church and ministry leaders have met together to pray for 30 years, and the church community is close-knit. We are excited to see these relationships and foundations of prayer manifest in York coming to know God!
About YWAM
Youth With a Mission (YWAM) is an international missions movement that was started in 1960. YWAM seeks to release young people to follow God’s call to know God and make God known. There are YWAM centres (called bases) and teams all over the world - to find out more, check out ywam.org!