Training Programmes
YWAM York is not currently running a DTS.
The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is for people who want to know God radically and to make Him known. It is not a Bible school or a gap year; it is a five month programme that challenges you to follow God completely, to give Him your whole life and to tell others about Him! YWAM York’s DTS trains and equips individuals to know God and to share about Him with others through living and serving in York. Trainees are an integral part in the outreach and ministry work already happening in the local neighbourhood and city.
At YWAM York, we all live together in community. We live together, eat together and work together. We live as a family - a multi-cultural, multi-generational family. Through living this way, we seek to learn to serve one another better and to learn from each other. As a DTS Trainee, you will live in a house with us and take part in cooking, cleaning, celebrating and everyday life with us.
DTS is divided into two different parts: twelve weeks of lectures and eight weeks of outreach.
The Lecture Phase of DTS consists of teachings, worship times, evangelism and local ministry.
The Outreach Phase of DTS consists of eight weeks (usually broken up into chunks throughout the five months) of missions work around the UK and the world. Locations differ with each DTS, but one thing remains the same: we see God move radically in our lives and in the lives of others!